Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Fun Day

Last Thursday, was a fun day for Hunter and Momma.

Aunt Tita invited Granna, Momma, and Hunter to pick apricots with her. Momma loves loves loves apricots so we jumped at the opportunity! There is nothing better than apricots right off the tree! I learned this at an early age when I would stay with my Aunt Jody and Unc. They had an apricot tree hanging over the fence into their yard. We would go pick apricots and eat them. Yummy! This is one of my favorite memories of a man I loved dearly and miss dearly. He loved me too! I know he would have loved my Hunter so much. Sigh.
While we were there we took a few pictures for Hunter's 7 month birthday. He's growing too fast! It's amazing watching him grow and change so quickly!

Daddy had Guys Night with our friends from church so Momma and Mr. H had dinner with Granna, Poppa, and Aunt Sassy. We did a shrimp boil . . . lots of messy fun! No plates or silverware! Just eat off the newspaper! Love something different!

After dinner Mr. H went swimming in the hottub again with Momma, Aunt Sassy and Poppa. He loved the waterfall part! He is so much bigger than he was the first time he swam. He can sit up in the seat now without leaning. He had a really good time playing, but tuckered out pretty quickly. He has the most beautiful wet eyelashes! Ridiculous! Any girl should be jealous! Ha!!

Have I mentioned that I am crazy about this kid?! Man, we are so blessed!! We thank God for apricots, yummy food, family, and beautiful evenings.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Train Up a Child

This past Sunday was a very special time in our family. Jimmy and I dedicated ourselves and our sweet Hunter to God. The time was so amazing. I will always remember standing before the Lord, our families, friends, and church committing ourselves to raising Hunter in the Truth and to live our lives as an example of Christ's love for Hunter to see. What an awesome and precious responsibility we have! Brother Jerry challenged us and reminded us of the calling that we have as Christian parents. Hunter received his first Bible, a prayer shawl made by the ladies in our church, and an unlit candle. One of the traditions in our church is to light a candle when you are baptized. Some day, this candle will be lit when our sweet boy accepts our precious Jesus into his heart. My prayer for Mr. H is that God will grow him into a mighty man of God.

We are so thankful to have so many people standing beside us at this special time. Both sets of Hunter's grandparents were there as well as Hunter's Aunt Sassy and Uncle Daniel. My Aunt Jody and cousin Brent, Tita and Bobby as well as our sweet church friends. Thank you for sharing this special time with us. We love you all.

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Life is Hard When You're So Little . . .

Nap time for Mr. H is no treat! No matter how sleepy he is, he will fight with all he's got. This is how I found him a little while ago. Please note that when I laid him down his head was on the opposite end of the bed so in his fit, he turned himself completely around. Life is hard.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Not Much Going on the Holloway House

Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is a post to tell you that not a lot has been happening in the world of the Holloways, thus, no recent posts.

Here's a snippet of the not so interesting:

A Visit to see Dad and Poppa at work:
Hunter is quite the business man. He loves "typing" on the computer. While he was in Poppa's lap, he quit typing long enough to grab the red pen off Poppa's desk. In the process of putting it in his mouth (as everything goes into the mouth of course) he decided to decorate his face a little. No worries. Although it looks like my child is bleeding, it is actually just red ink on his precious face.
Fourth of July:
We had fun with friends. A beautiful West Texas evening. Good burgers and brats and fireworks. Mr. H went without a nap all day (his choice, not ours). He finally fell asleep on my chest during fireworks. The first few pops scared the little man, but once he realized there were pretty lights going with the loud noises, he was fine and watched attentively (until he fell asleep of course). During the course of the evening, it escaped me to take pictures of Hunter's first 4th. I will post one when I get it emailed to me!

The Army Crawl:
Hunter has successfully mastered the art of the Army Crawl. He can move! It's tough keeping up with him sometimes! He pushes himself with his left leg while the right leg acts as a rudder turning him wherever he sees something interesting. If there is something he doesn't need, like shoes in his mouth, that is the first place he goes. We have had to move the surround sound receiver because it was a magnet for our mover and shaker. He doesn't have his knees under him yet, but it probably won't be long. Mr. H is a busy bee!

There is a cuter video of him army crawling, but it wouldn't load! Shucks!

He has even mastered the kitchen step a few times. I have watched him gets his arms up on the step then pull the rest of his body up onto the tile. Having a moving baby makes you realize how much cleaner your house could be! Yikes!

Fun at the Park:
We have been to the park a few times recently. We went with our church for hot dogs and fellowship Sunday night. Mr. H had an explosive poop. (My apologies to all who had to witness the catastrophe). Of course, he was wearing his back-up outfit so we had to leave early.

Every Tuesday we meet the girls from Sunday School and Hunter's friends at the park for lunch. Today, as we were finishing our lunch, it started raining. Hunter was not in his stroller at the time so Momma held the kid a little tighter, grabbed the stroller and made a mad dash for the car. Mr. H thought that was lots of fun! Now, after putting up a good fight, he is finally down for a nap. Let's pray he sleeps for more than an hour, but I'm not thinking that will happen.

So far we have eaten peas, zucchini, green beans and spinach. It seems that Hunter's favorite is spinach followed closely by zucchini. On to the yellows!
Mr. H will turn 7 months in just a few days. . . . where has the time gone. I am so blessed to be able to spend this time with him this summer.